Healthy Habits for the New Year

Hi Friends!

A new year has arrived, and for many people, that means trying to be healthier than they were the year before. If you are looking to start this new year off right then you might be looking for some new healthy habits that you can implement in your life this year. So let’s talk about some healthy habits that you might consider for yourself and your family this year. 

Drink More Water

Chances are that you do drink water every day, but are you drinking enough? Did you know that drinking plenty of water not only helps to keep you hydrated, but also helps to keep your immune system strong and healthy, can help you to lose weight, and will make your skin clearer and more hydrated? If you haven’t already, consider getting a fun water bottle that you can carry around with you to encourage you to drink more water. 

Get Enough Sleep

I know this one is a tough one, as a busy wife and mother there is always something else that needs to be done, but getting enough sleep is important for your health. Being well-rested keeps your immune system strong so that you don’t get sick easily, and it also helps to make you more productive because you aren’t feeling fatigued or foggy!

Eat Healthily

Again, this can be another tough one, I know I even forget to eat some days, but it’s important to eat and to eat healthy foods. Make it a point to keep healthy foods in your home so that you can always grab a piece of fruit, a cup of yogurt, or a protein bar. Eating the rainbow, or having a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet each day will provide you with all of the vitamins and nutrients that you need each day. 


If you don’t already consider taking a few minutes each day to write in a journal. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, it’s just a way to get your thoughts and feelings down onto paper so that they aren’t running around in the background of your mind. Journaling helps to reduce stress, improves your emotional well-being, and even helps you to keep your brain sharp!

Exercise Regularly

Is it one of your new year’s resolutions to hit the gym a little more frequently this year? If so, you are not alone! Regular exercise helps to reduce stress, builds up muscle, and helps to keep you fit and healthy. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get to the gym though, just make a conscious effort to be more active. Take a walk around the neighborhood or go play tag in the yard with the kids. The gym is great but it’s not the only way to be more active, especially if you have busy days. Consider a fitness tracker to track your steps, heart rate, and sleep. Some can even remind you when you have been sitting down for too long.

What healthy habits are you planning to start this year? Any old healthy habits from last year that you plan to continue? 



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