Iceland with a toddler

Hi Friends,

Same as Ireland, we flew on a red eye and landed in Iceland AM Iceland time. Our very first stop was the blue lagoon, right off the airplane. We rented an SUV and we drove through *MOST* of iceland. We originally were going to do the full country but mid trip had to cancel 2 of the itinerary days due to a snowbank falling on the road. There's just one main road in Iceland. We still were able to make the best of it! We love renting a car at most of these locations because it's easier on our family to go at our own pace + adventure out. Versus say guided tours. I usually do lots of research prior to our trip and map out the trip and airbnbs throughout.

We have a thing for hot cocoa when we travel. Ha! I’d say this hot cocoa + croissant from the cutest coffee shop we found in Reykjavik. BY FAR the whole family loved the Icelandic hot dogs. They were incredible. I think we mostly lived off of them because of how delicious they were.

We LOVED everything about Iceland. We experienced the Northern lights about 3xs on our trip which was incredible! We couldn’t believe our luck. Another favorite thing we did was visit the iconic abandoned DC plane on Sólheimasandur. Vehicles are prohibited, so you park near the black beach and you just walk endlessly (at least that's what it felt like) until you arrive at the plane wreck. You feel like you are on another planet because of the location. It was surreal. This was probably Clover’s least favorite, because it was drizzly and cold, but we made the best of it.
We would definitely go back. We were just discussing possibly doing a short quick this year. Maybe around Christmas time! 



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