Bye Bye winter blues, HELLO self-care tips

Hi Friends,

The short, cold, and gloomy days of winter can just make you feel kind of blah.For some people the lack of sunlight and colder temperatures can even cause what’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD for short). Even if you don’t have full blown SAD, it’s natural to feel a little down. There are some things that you can do to beat back those winter blues and blahs though. Here are some tips to get you through!

Stay Hydrated
When the weather is warmer, we tend to remember to drink more water and stay hydrated. It’s important to stay hydrated in the winter months too though. Drinking plenty of water will help to keep your skin hydrated and clear, and it can help to keep some winter germs at bay too. 

Get Moving
It may be cold outside, but it’s still important to get up and get moving even if it’s just for a few minutes of stretching. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that make you happy, and it’s good for your mind, and your body too. 

Go Outside
You don’t have to stay outdoors for long, but it is important to get some fresh air and sunshine even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Natural sunlight provides your body with Vitamin D and while you can get some Vitamin D from food, your body absorbs it best from the sun. Fresh air can help you to clear your mind and boost your mood too. 

Eat Healthy
Eating healthy meals won’t just nourish your body, it can boost your mood too. Make sure that you are including plenty of protein and lots of healthy fruits and vegetables in your meals. Not sure what to make? Check out some healthy comfort food ideas for winter here

Practice Gratitude
Take some time each day to practice gratitude. Take a moment to be thankful for the good things that are happening in your life. While you are reflecting on the good, you can even set some goals for yourself for the year ahead. Write them down so you can see how far you have come and what you have achieved as the year progresses. If you have never tried journaling before this can be a good time to start. 

Indulge Yourself
One truly excellent way of chasing the blahs of winter away is to pamper yourself. Head to your favorite spa and get a facial and massage. If you are in the New Jersey area, visit Skin By EC Beauty in Hoboken. You deserve it, and you know it! Taking a little time to take care of yourself allows you to take care of your loved ones even better, so don’t just do it for you, do it for them! NEED a sign?! Watch THIS!

Simple, Inexpensive Ideas for Practicing Self-Care this Winter
Buy a candle in a fragrance you love. 
Pick up a good book and curl up with it. 
Take a long, hot bubble bath. 
Grab a coffee from your favorite shop. 
Join a new workout class at the gym. 
Practice deep breathing exercises. 
Take a nap. 

The old saying that you can’t pour from an empty cup is absolutely true. Beat off the winter blues this year by practicing self-care and taking care of your needs, so that you be the best YOU for your family! 



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