Three Kings Day / Dia De Los Reyes

Hi Friends!

Three Kings Day or dia de Reyes is almost here, and as usual I am SO excited. This is such a fun holiday to celebrate with the family, before we settle in for a new year. If you don’t know the history of dia de Reyes let’s talk about it real quick!

Three Kings day is a celebration of Epiphany, or the day that the three kings found the baby Jesus and gave him their gifts. Our family celebrates not only Epiphany but our Dominican heritage as well. 

I grew up celebrating Three Kings day with my family, and I want to carry those traditions on with my girls, and hopefully, one day with their children. If you want to learn more about how we celebrate Three Kings day as a family check out my campaign with Target here

I still can’t believe I got to be a part of such an amazing campaign! You can also see some of my Instagram stories about Three Kings day here, here, and here

Wondering how we’ll be celebrating Three Kings day this year? There will be matching pajamas of course, lots of amazing food, and you know me some extra special gifts for the girls! Make sure to keep an eye on my social media for pics from this year’s celebrations! 

The night before dia de Reyes our extended families come over for lots of laughter, love, and of course loads of food! Before bed we’ll get into our matching jammies and leave our shoes downstairs so they can be filled with candy and treats!  Don’t worry we leave some treats for the three kings and their camels too! 

The next morning when the girls wake-up, we will all run downstairs to see what kind of gifts might have been left! After that it’s time for a quick brunch before my family comes over for more food, laughter, and dancing! 

As you can see from my Target campaign (and my blog), I really love to go all out for the girls and make their childhood as magical as possible so when special holidays come up we try to do it up big! When they get older and have families of their own I want them to remember how special this time was and encourage them to keep those traditions going. 

Do you and your family celebrate Three Kings day? Do you have special traditions that you use to celebrate? If so, I would love to hear more!



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