Spring Break Staycation Ideas

Spring Break Staycation Ideas

Spring break is coming up fast, and as awesome as it would be to take off to some tropical destination in the sun that’s just not always possible. Finances, conflicting schedules, and work commitments sometimes get in the way. Just because you can’t travel doesn’t mean that you can’t have an amazing time with your kids though. 

Here are some ideas you can use for a fabulous spring break staycation!

Visit a local Theme Park or Water Park

You may not be able to travel far while the kids are on Spring break but you might be able to swing a trip to a nearby theme park or water park. Make sure that you look around for deals or coupons, Groupon is a great place to check. Pack a cooler with snacks and drinks and you won’t have to worry about buying anything tickets for your entry. If you are in NJ, American Dream has an awesome Spring Break Pass! You can also visit the Oreo Cafe while you are there, yum!

Have a Family Game Night

Pull out your favorite family-friendly board games or card games and have a night of fun and laughter while making memories for a lifetime! Gather up some of the family’s favorite snacks and make a night of it! Make sure that you get some great pictures of the fun too!

Start a Family Garden

Spring Break is a great time to work on a family project like starting a garden. Working in the garden together is a great way to bond and is also an opportunity to teach your kids the life skill of gardening. Gardening is also a great way to get some healthy food for the family at a low cost. 

Camp in the Backyard

Just because you can’t travel this year doesn’t mean that you can’t spend a night together out under the stars. Set up your tent in the backyard, build a fire in the fire pit, and roast some hot dogs, or make some s’mores. If you don’t have a fire pit you can also use a charcoal grill for your fire. 

Have an Arts & Crafts Day

Pull out all of your kid's favorite art supplies and let them go to town with their creative side. Glitter, paint, pom poms, markers, glue, scissors, pipe cleaners, buttons whatever you’ve got just let them work and see what they come up with. 

Volunteer Together

Teach your kids the value of giving back to your community by volunteering together as a family. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer like stocking the shelves at a local food pantry, participating in a community trash pick-up, or taking the dogs at the animal shelter for a walk. If you can’t find a local volunteer opportunity like these you could always bake cookies together to take to the local fire department or the police station. 

Have a Spa Day at Home

Have a spa day at home! You can do a  facial treatment, paint each other's nails, do a hair mask, and style each other’s hair. Girls especially will love the excitement of a spa day at home, but boys can have some fun with it too! 

Make a Spring Break Bucket List

Instead of wracking your brain with spring break activities, why not ask the kids what they want to do? It is their break after all! Sit down before spring break and make a bucket list of activities and complete as many of them as you can. 

What are you most looking forward to doing with your kids this Spring Break? Share with us, so we can use your great ideas too! 



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