Holiday family activities

Hi Friends!

The holiday season is here and it’s time to deck the halls and spend time with your friends and family making memories of this special time of year. From participating in old traditions to creating new ones, the holiday season is all about love, togetherness, family, and sharing the Christmas spirit. 

If you are looking for some fun holiday family night activities we have a few ideas! 

Have a Cookie Bake Off - Gather your ingredients and have the whole family in the kitchen to make your favorite Christmas treats. Once your treats are ready, package them to give to friends and neighbors, after snacking on some of course!

Watch a Christmas Movie - There are so many great holiday movies to choose from. Your family will love watching one together. Make some popcorn and hot chocolate or bring out the Christmas cookies for a fun family night together. 

Go See the Lights - Drive around your community (or walk) and take in all of the pretty lights. Stop by a local cafe or coffee shop and grab some treats and hot chocolate to enjoy as you drive or walk around. 

Have a Present Wrapping Race - Do your kids always beg you to let them help with the wrapping? Indulge them and turn it into a race to see who can wrap their present (you can use an empty box) the fastest! 

Make Homemade Holiday Cards - If your kids are into crafting, plan a family night activity where you all make a bunch of Christmas cards. Take these cards and hand them out at your local senior living home. 

Are you looking for some ways to share the Christmas spirit in your community as a family this year? Here are some ideas for spreading some joy this holiday season. 

Visit a Senior Living Home - Take some Christmas cards and cookies and go visit your local senior living home. Many of the residents don’t get visitors even at Christmas and they LOVE seeing kids. It’s a great way to spread some holiday cheer!

Volunteer as a Family -  Spend an evening giving back to your community by volunteering together as a family. This can be at a soup kitchen, community center, food bank, or even your local animal shelter. 

Pay for the Person Behind You -  If you find yourself grabbing takeout or a coffee, pay for your order and the person behind you in line. This is an amazing way to bless someone else and often once someone starts it, it will last for an entire day as others continue to do the same. 

Deliver Treats to First Responders -  Our first responders (police, fire EMT’s) see and do a lot in each and every shift. Show your appreciation to your local first responders by dropping off some treats for them to enjoy. If you see them out at a restaurant (more likely a convenience store) grabbing a drink and a snack between calls, offer to pay and tell them how much your family appreciates what they do. 

Be an Angel - Pick a child off of one of your communities angel trees for less fortunate children and gift them with a great Christmas! 

These are just a few ways that you can spend time together as a family this holiday season and spread some holiday cheer to your community! Do you have any other fun ideas to share? 



Happy Holidays!


Christmas Treats