Halloween Costumes

Hi Friends!

So if you have been following me for any length of time you know that our family LOVES and I mean LOVES Halloween. We actually like to dress up about once a week as a family for the month of October. There’s just too many awesome costumes out there to pick just one per year don’t you think? 

We’re going to do a quick #Mottaweeny costume recap here in a second but first let’s talk about costumes. Yes, costumes CAN be very expensive especially for kids who are going to grow out of them very quickly, but they don’t HAVE to be very expensive. 

You can make your own costumes from things that you find around the house and re-purpose or you can look for inexpensive costumes, and accessories to make costumes with on Amazon. While our families costumes may look amazing, I promise you they don’t cost an arm and a leg. Take for example Clover’s Edward Scissorhands costume. This scissorhands…cardboard and aluminum foil so it’s more about creativity than cost.  

There are all kinds of great places to look for costumes and accessories that you can use for Halloween. Yard sales, consignment sales, thrift stores, dollar stores, Target, Walmart, and Amazon are all great places to look. 

So now for the great #Mottaweeny costume recap. So when the kids are babies it’s super easy to find affordable cute costumes because they are small! When they start growing up it gets  a little more challenging and YOU have to be a little bit more creative. Also when they are babies mom gets to decide what they are going to be but as they get older they will want to decide for themselves and that’s fun too! You get to see their creativity and what ideas they have for bringing a costume to life…with Mom’s help of course! 

You can see on our Instagram that Clover has been Minnie Mouse, a superhero, and Pebbles from the Flintstones as a baby/toddler. Reese has been a dalmatian, a chicken, a circus ringmaster, the tin man from the Wizard of Oz, and Gertie from E.T..

In more recent years, Reese has been a witch, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Cruella from 101 Dalmatians, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Wednesday from the Addams family,  Elliot from E.T., Max from Stranger Things, an alien, Coraline, and Velma from Scooby Doo. Clover made an amazing Daphne next to her sister this year! 

The kiddos aren’t the only ones who like to get dressed up, mom and dad like to get in on the fun too. I have been the witch from the Wizard of Oz, a cowgirl, and a ballerina. Eric has been the Beast from Beauty and the Beast and Michael Meyers. We even let Tinker get in on the costume fun! Tinker has been Scooby Doo, a lion, Toto from the Wizard of Oz, and E.T. 

If you haven’t seen our Halloween costumes before make sure you check out our Instagram. You can find the Halloween pictures by looking for the hashtag #mottaweeny . What are you guys dressing up as for Halloween this year? 



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Halloween Treats